Trustpilot icon We are proud to say that we are rated excellent on Trustpilot. Rosette icon With over 50 years of experience and expertise, we're passionate about providing unbeatable vacations on the water. Compass icon Our extensive network of bases across 9 countries means you can enjoy a return-trip or choose from a wide selection of one-way routes. Boat icon We have more river and canal boats available than any other operator, available to hire between April and October. Our wide range of boats sleeps between 2-12 people. Boat wheel icon That's right! You can rent and captain your own boat for a short break (3 nights minimum), a week or longer. We'll show you everything you need to know before you set off.

Canal boat holidays in Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Berlin

6 reviews

Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Sunset in Fürstenberg, Germany
Sunset in Fürstenberg, Germany
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany
Royal Mystique boat on Lake Muritz, Germany
Royal Mystique boat on Lake Muritz, Germany
Vision on Lake Stolpsee
Vision on Lake Stolpsee
Water fun in Fürstenberg
Water fun in Fürstenberg
Royal Classique on lake Ellbogensee
Royal Classique on lake Ellbogensee
Rheinsberg Castle, Germany
Rheinsberg Castle, Germany
Rokokoschloss Sanssouci, Potsdam, Deutschland
Rococo Sanssouci Castle, Potsdam, Germany
Royal Mystique boat at sunset, Lake Müritz, Germany
Royal Mystique boat at sunset, Lake Müritz, Germany
Vision on Lake Wangnitzsee
Vision on Lake Wangnitzsee
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Added on 12 September 2023

It was a wonderful trip. The majority of the stuff…

It was a wonderful trip. The majority of the stuff were excellent. Only the in-depth explanation of lakes and mooring on various lakes needs to be enhanced. It seems that the restrictions on different lakes are different (mooring with an ankor is prohibited on Muritz Lake). We just did not have enough available mooring space in some marinas, so we had to find another location at night.

Added on 24 July 2023

The lake region is very different from the canals of…

The lake region is very different from the canals of France and very lovely

Added on 17 October 2022

Very picturesque area. A variety of atractions and ways to…

Very picturesque area. A variety of atractions and ways to spent your time exsit from monuments, castle to hikes in nature and parks.

Added on 8 August 2022

First time on a boat with good weather in a…

First time on a boat with good weather in a fantastic nature.

Added on 14 June 2021

Very structured and fast and effective processes let the customer…

Very structured and fast and effective processes let the customer experience nice vacations.

Added on 8 November 2020

Such a great vacation! The Horizons are great. I would…

Such a great vacation! The Horizons are great. I would stick to that boat series.