Trustpilot icon We are proud to say that we are rated excellent on Trustpilot. Rosette icon With over 50 years of experience and expertise, we're passionate about providing unbeatable vacations on the water. Compass icon Our extensive network of bases across 9 countries means you can enjoy a return-trip or choose from a wide selection of one-way routes. Boat icon We have more river and canal boats available than any other operator, available to hire between April and October. Our wide range of boats sleeps between 2-12 people. Boat wheel icon That's right! You can rent and captain your own boat for a short break (3 nights minimum), a week or longer. We'll show you everything you need to know before you set off.
Zielsicher in die Ferien mit dem Le Boat Hausbooturlaub-Index
Find your perfect boating vacation
Rideau Canal, Canada Trent-Severn, Canada Canal du Midi, France Nivernais & Loire, France Lot, France Franche Comté, France Aquitaine, France Shannon and Erne, Ireland Alsace-Lorraine, France Camargue, France Venice and Friuli, Italy Holland, Amsterdam and Friesland, Netherlands The River Thames, England Flanders, Belgium Loch Ness and the Caledonian Canal, Scotland Brittany, France Charente, France Mecklenburg, Brandenburg and Berlin, Germany See all Availability

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Boating and water sports vacations

Our top recommendations for water sport lovers

Water sport enthusiasts flock to Germany’s Lake Muritz, a network of more than 1,000 lakes where you can rent dinghies, windsurfers, canoes and kayaks. The crystal-clear waters are also great for dropping the anchor and taking a dip! Other top water sport destinations include Douelle on the River Lot, where canoeing and kayaking are popular, or Sneek in Holland, home to a fantastic water sport centre. You can rent a small boat at a number of other stops and in other regions as well.

The best boating destinations for water sports

Rideau Canal, Canada

Expansive lakes and crystal clear waters make Canada the perfect playground for water sport aficionados. Whether it is full-throttle jet skiing or slowing the pace and gently paddling the day away in a traditional Canadian canoe, head to Canada’s Rideau Lakes and find something for everyone.

More about the Rideau Canal

Mecklenburg & Brandenburg, Germany

In the heart of the beautiful Muritz National Park, scenic Lake Muritz and its network of 1000 or more lakes is a perfect destination for water sports enthusiasts. rent dinghies, windsurfers, canoes and kayaks for fun on the winter, or simply drop anchor and go for a refreshing swim.

More about Mecklenburg & Brandenburg

Lot, France

The lazy River Lot is a perfect place to rent canoes to explore the banks, which you may rent by the hour at many locations. It is possible, at certain rental locations, to arrange transport up river and take your time drifting back downstream with the current. Waterskiing is possible very near to Cahors for beginners or experienced skiers. They also have the ride on ringo for children and are fully equipped with life jackets.

More about Lot

Holland & Friesland, Netherlands

Friesland, in northern Holland, is one of the biggest areas of inland lakes in Europe. From our base in Hindeloopen, head for the coast to Stavoren, the oldest city of Friesland, which offers lots of seaside fun and is a hugely popular water sport town. Further north in Workum, on the banks of Lake Ijsse, you can also go kite surfing. Don’t forget to head to Sneek in August for Sneek Week where the town’s reputation as the ‘capital of boating’ really comes to life.

More about Holland & Friesland

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